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Welcome to The
Masjid Al Shareef
Of Long Beach
As-salaam alaikum /Peace Unto you and welcome to Masjid Al-Shareef web page. A community that initially were all descendants of African Slaves born here in the United States of America. This community is an outgrowth of the Nation of Islam and part of one of the largest reversions of African American Citizens in 1975 under the Leadership of Imam Warithdeen Muhammad son of the founder of the Nation of Islam "The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Early on the community in Long Beach under the leadership of Imam Haroon Abdullah began to attract Muslims from every nationality, race, and creed to form one of the most diverse Muslim Communities in the United States. Under the leadership of Imam Haroon Abdullah and Imam Ameen Umar the community expanded its outreach and became involved in interfaith partnerships with Catholic, Protestant, Buddhist, Latter Day Saints and other faith groups and this work continues today.
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May Allah bless you! Thank you. Those who spend (in charity) of their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public, have their reward with their Lord

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